Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hide your kids, hide your wives, and hide your husbands...

One of the best videos circulating on YouTube last year involved a very funny young man by the name of Antoine Dodson.  Antoine, and his sister were living a quiet existence in Lincoln Park (lovingly call the "projects"), until some psycho climbs into their window and tries to rape the sister.  Below is the actual news clip:


As if this clip wasn't funny enough, some very clever "musicians" contacted Antoine, and received his permission to create a song out of his interview.  Below is the catchy piece:


Pretty funny if I do say so myself.  Now, you can run and tell that...HOMEBOY!


Casey said...

Ohhhhh... this is one of my all time favorites, besides the Crazy MARTA train girl. LOL! Barrett & I even have a dance that we do to this re-mix, you would love it! :o)

Casey said...

Okay, really... your public is getting kinda tired of looking at this post! I demand a new one!!! Here's an idea. Review the book- Naturally Thin by Bethenny Frankel!!! Amazing, you will LOVE IT! Go to her website www.bethenny.com. BTW, for your birthday, I'm sending you money to go buy yourself a bottle of her margaritas. You likey!?!?!