Monday, February 6, 2012

The Power of Five

Today I am linking up with Jessica from Lovely Little Things.

Lovely Little Things

Last week's task was:

List five things that you love about yourself.

I knew this was going to be hard, and it was!! 
But, after lots of contemplation, here's my list:

1.  I love my sense of humor.  Laughter is always the best medicine.
2.  I love how I can strike up a conversation with just about anyone.  My friend Robin always comments about how strangers LOVE to talk to me.
3.  I love that I make a difference in the lives of 60+ high school students every day....even without trying.
4.  I love the way my eyes change color depending on my mood.  It kind of makes me "mysterious."
5.  I love that I have an amazing brother, and even more amazing parents.  They truly are my strength, and I am blessed to have them in my life.

Thanks Jessica for another FABULOUS task!

Check out Lovely Little Things Blog to see what's in store for next week's "Smell The Roses!"


Marissa said...

Hi Shea! I came across your blog today through "Smell the Roses". I am in school right now getting my degree in Spanish - Secondary Ed. I cannot wait to teach & love being an inspiration to kids around me! Kudos girl! :-)

Shea-Shea said...

Congrats on getting your degree!! Teaching high school is not for the faint of heart - but it can be very rewarding. I hope you enjoy it once you get in the classroom....we need good teachers!

Alyssa said...

I would say I love my sense of humor too! Love your list!

Jess said...

Thank you so, so much for linking up :)
Means so much to me!
Confession: super jealous of your boyfriend is like that and I wish I was!

Hope you had a lovely Monday, girl!

Shea Crystal said...

Hey same-name!! :)

I tagged you in my blog! Tag!

You're it!