Friday, January 14, 2011

File Cabinet Fridays

As a teacher, it's amazing the things you find when you clean out your desk and file cabinets.  The other day, I was doing some "classroom cleaning" and came across some funny items.  These funny items inspired me to create "File Cabinet Fridays."  Every Friday, I will be posting some funny things that teachers see on a regular basis.  If you have anything you'd like to see posted, just email it to me, and it will be spotlighted on a Friday!

Today's File Cabinet Friday is something that we found while walking around school.  One of our teachers recently gave birth, and her entire class made her cards.  Her husband was scheduled to pick them up for her, so they were stacked at the front office desk.  While walking by, one in particular caught my eye:

Apart from the misspelling, the picture is quite interesting.  The detail that this child went into is pretty amazing.  I particularly like the pee stain and mom tattoo on the arm.  The bloody sword is a little disturbing, but even Picasso created some unsettling images in his day.  All in all, it leaves me breathless....move over Hallmark, this kid may put you out of business.


april said...

ha! that's great :)

Casey said...

I love this... and can't wait to see what tomorrow's will be! I am going to have to dig through my files down in the basement. You know I will have some doozies from the little ones. LOL! They always used to crack me up.